понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Driving jobs - Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME)

The Maine Legislature"s policies on taxation, government spending,workers" compensation and economic development generally have drivenmany quality jobs out of Maine. The tax and spend ideology has erodedthe tax base, impoverished many Maine families and reduced theeconomy to one dependent on service jobs and out of state tourists.

Many people reference the success of both Ireland and NorthCarolina in reforming their economy. One of the keys to their successis that they rebuilt their economies by creating high quality localjobs. The answer for Maine is not trying to tax out of existence ourprimary source of out-of-state income. We"ve already taxedmanufacturing and high tech out of the state, but our legislativeleadership hasn"t learned that lesson and now proposes to taxtourism.

We don"t need more taxes on anyone - even tourists. We need lowertaxes, lower workers" compensation costs, less government spendingand more high quality jobs. Those new, good jobs will support Mainefamilies, broaden the tax base and provide the sound basis for thegrowth of state government.

Barry E. Pottle

Pottle"s Transportation


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